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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Why do or how do we get hiccups?

Now, soon after my last post...i ate a lot of achar....now suddenly..a min after igot hiccups....i was happy ..happy bcoz..i got the idea for mah nxt post!!!now hiccuping is as complex as solving rubikscube//!!
but i'll make it simpler...
First of all..hiccups are nothing but bursts of breathing in...called inspiration.Now sometimes due to too much eating or eating food quickly causes the stomach to distend and irritate DIAPHRAGM(see the pic above)...now this causes an involuntary inspiration..or hiccups..also ..hiccups can also come due to some change in nerve pathways to brain..which is why..sudden emotional change brings in hiccups..!!QUITE AMAZING!!


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