Ever wanted to know about the simplest things you go around.like how do your bike's disc breaks work or why does a mixture of mentos and coke explode?.Here's a blog that tells you about them!!!Do subscribe and comment!!!Hope you enjoy!!!!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Why do we snore?

Do u know what makes you snore while sleeping?Atleast i dont do it!!But there are a lot of people who suffer from this problem.
Now basically this happens due to the relaxation if muscles in and around throat.So when you sleep, relaxtion of throat muscles including its surrounding muscles occurs and thus the opening of nasal cavity becomes narrow. As we all know that lungs need a minimum of air to breathe, in order to do this the air intake activity increases and thus the air pressure increases.This causes the two muscles-UVULA and SOFT PALATE(see picture below) to vibrate.THIS VIBRATION OF UVULA AND SOFT PALATE CAUSES SNORING!!!!

Causes of snoring:

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Why does a mixture of diet coke and mentos explode?

Basically it is NOT a chemical reaction. As we all know, carbon dioxide gas is present in coke in the form of bubbles( diet coke has more amount of  CO2). Water molecules in the coke form a micelle(tight mesh) like structure around each CO2 bubble.
Since water molecules attract each other, they need some extra energy to expand the bubble and thus the SURFACE TENSION.A mentos consists of gelatin(flubby rubber like eatables and an important component of bubble gums made from boiling bones). So when mentos is dropped in a coke bottle.....
THEY BREAK THE SURFACE TENSION!!!And multiply the CO2 bubble expansion.
Also mentos contains thousands of tiny pits that are perfect for CO2 expansion-CALLED NUCLEATION!!!also what adds to this is that mentos is heavy and drops at the bottom.Therefore, what u see is a soda rain!!
  1. At first, gelatin and arabic gum break the surface tension of tight mesh of  water molecules formed around a CO2 molecule. Thus, new bubbles are formed.
  2. Most importantly, is the nucleation reaction. the mentos contains thousands od nucleation sites-the sites that are perfect for CO2 expansion.
  3. Thus, u add a mentos chewing gum-it goes to the bottom-surface tension breaks-nucleation starts-LAVA ERUPTS!!!!!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

How do disc brakes work?

Okay folks, here's my new entry to my blog....with a new question.Today i was  watching a pulsar 220..really cool bike. But wait what do u see in its brakes?Yeah i know that those are disc brakes..but wait..why are there holes in it?If there are holes in it..then why don'nt we call it fix brake?These all questions..paved the way for me to search for it..nd here iam....and really lot of people think that disc brakes actually work on the principle that some sort of drill fits in it ..nd the bike stops!!!NOOOOO!!!!!!!!!
Actually, disc brakes  work on the principle of friction.It mainly has three components:
  1. THE DISC:Its actually the rotating wheel on which a tyre is fitted and where the action of brakes apply.As a lot of heat is generated while braking, the disc has to be made of only solid cast iron or ceramics in superfast cars.And now the holes, actually the holes that u see in the pulsar or the RTR are actually meant to minimise the action of heat and increase action of braking.Thus they are called VENTILATED DICS and NOT FOR BRAKING PURPOSE!!!

      2. THE CALIPER: The caliper is nothing but the box like thing you see on the brake. It has pistons, that do the action of braking. So when you brake, u actually convert the kinetic energy of your car to heat energy.They do this hydraulically(or in some cases-electromagnetically).


        3.THE BRAKE PADS: The brake pads are actually designed for high friction.Another misconception among people is that brake pads come in contact with the disc.....but NOOO!!!But they actually generate semi liquid friction boundary..which actually provides and comes in contact with the disc while braking.
Well here's a small video..but for this- QUITE AMAZING!!!!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Why do mosquitoes bite?

Let us answer a new question....What makes mosquitoes bite u????Well, If u ask me...this question was also asked in my school...(school ques..are turning out to be a good source to me for new posts!!).To be frank..a good friend of mine answered this question quite correctly.Actually mosquitoes feed on plant nectar, fruit juices..anything liquid which sources from a plant. But what makes them feed on blood is that they belong to a group of arthropods(a group of species that have jointed legs) that need blood to fertilise it's eggs in it's stomach.Since male mosquitoes do not lay eggs..thats why they dont bite too!!also our blood contains proteins ..so to lay eggs it really needs protein..which get's fulfilled by the human blood. 
And probably u would ask..what causes the mosquito bite to irritate u?Well, look upfor my next post!!nd for this -QUITE AMAZING!!!!!

Friday, October 22, 2010

What causes the earth to rotate?

Our planet earth moves one degree..anticlockwise..every 4 minutes..... a simple question what causes the earth to ROTATE?Iam not copying and pasting this out simply through internet...this question came to my mind and i lost em anyhow..but recollected lastnight..and started asking everyone..also..obviously the internet!!!so lets begin.
The cause of rotation dates back to the day when earth was born, maybe due to a big collision, or the other way....but it simply caused the earth to rotate. Now here comes ANGULAR MOMENTUM. In physics they say that in space there is NO ATMOSPHERE..therefore no force...so basically without any force..there will be no change in earth's rotation(principle of ANGULAR MOMENTUM).thus our earth rotates from the day it was born!!!QUITE AMAZING!!!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Why do or how do we get hiccups?

Now, soon after my last post...i ate a lot of achar....now suddenly..a min after igot hiccups....i was happy ..happy bcoz..i got the idea for mah nxt post!!!now hiccuping is as complex as solving rubikscube//!!
but i'll make it simpler...
First of all..hiccups are nothing but bursts of breathing in...called inspiration.Now sometimes due to too much eating or eating food quickly causes the stomach to distend and irritate DIAPHRAGM(see the pic above)...now this causes an involuntary inspiration..or hiccups..also ..hiccups can also come due to some change in nerve pathways to brain..which is why..sudden emotional change brings in hiccups..!!QUITE AMAZING!!

Why do we cry while cutting onions?

hmm....a good question...this question striked me when(i don't know maybe month ago) mah bio teacher(bharat trivedi) asked us what makes u cr while cutting onions?okay..i had no idea..neither mah frnds had..bt he told me that onion contains some sulphur content in it..when it comes in contact with our eyes..it makes a very dilute sulphuric acid..nd thus our eyes get irritated...
now searching on the internet for getting deeper into dis..i got to knw that while u cut an onion..it releases a gas called Propanethiol S-oxide(wow!!). now this gas..gets mixed wid other enzymes to release sulphur gases..and gets into our eyes to create dilute sulphuric acid...ND WE CRY!!!!QUITE AMAZING!!!